Lights for Refuge


I need help...inside the stand, I've got 6" between the top of my refuge and the bottom of my tank.
I'm guilty of buying then asking, but the worst I lose out is the $9 that I spent on the handful of red caluerpa-like stuff (forgot the name).
need lighting - for time being I bought 2 of those 60watt PLANT bulbs. will that be ok for now?


there wasn't any red dye in mine.
I rinsed it in a cup of my tank water first too.
It looks pretty cool!
I tried to put the bulb one of those metal fixture clip on things and after about a minute it started to smoke. don't understand cause I'm using the max amount in wattage that it says to.
freakin a
I think I've been to home depot about 40 times since I started this hobby. good thing they surround me.


those are the ones I bought. they were rated for 60w. I got 60w batteries. still started smoking. gonna go back to Home Depot