lights ok or not?


I have a standard 55 gal (48x13x2?) tank. I currently have 2 96w power compacts = 192w. This = about 3.5 watts per gallon. Is this sufficient light for both hard corals and pacific anemones (mainly bubble tip and carpet and the like)?
Thanks all.
I do not think you have enough for the anemones. Especially Carpets, and even bubbletips require moderate intensity lighting, more than PC.
Someone with better knowledge of hard corals can answer for that question.
I recently upgraded to VHO from PC. There is NO comparison IMO. The color and florscence is not to be believed. I have 2 bubble tips, and upgraded to VHO just so I could keep these animals thriving. You can't believe their color under VHO lighting. And these animals require higher intensity.
IMHO if you want to keep the animals you suggested THRIVING, not surviving, I would look into an upgrade. Bite the bullet, you won't be sorry.


Staff member
What's your setup, Hermt. I'm in the process of upgrading lighting myself, and don't know if I want that much MH or just VHO. I'm worried about the added electrical load on my wall and wall sockets, frankly.
I researched for over three months this lighting issue, and went back and forth more times than a tennis match. The ultimate choice was do I go with VHO only or VHO/Metal Halide combo.
I elected for VHO for my set up mainly because of the color, it is awesome. And of course I won't be keeping clams or such, and for the softies I want and my anemones, VHO was my best choice.
My tank is also only 11 inches deep (5" DSB) and the rock is aquascaped on one side all the way to the top, giving me lots of placement options.
There was a cost factor also, and of course the heat issue. I have never been near a stove or fireplace that I don't burn myself, and frankly I don't trust myself near a bulb like MH that gets that hot and emits those UV rays. :D
So I have a gorgeous reef, 40 gal/br, with 4 36" 95 watt VHO's in an ABS Hood, fan cooled, with reflector. Though it took me long enough, I know I made the right decision for my particular application.
P.S. FWIW I had a Pagoda Cup coral that never opened at all under the PC's, I thought maybe it was dead. Now, 2 weeks after adding the VHO's it is fully open!!


Staff member
I am in the process of having a canopy built for my 72gal bow front, and, like you were, I'm now wrestling with the lighting issue. I know MH's are the fav. among hobbyst, but I'm wary of the heat, UV and load on my old house electrical wiring, not to mention the extra $$ to run them. Also, I am very UV sensative myself, and, from what I've been reading, surprizingly, so are many aquatic creatures sensitive to overload on UV. Are you using e-ballasts with those VHO's [icecap?]. I think I remember you posting that you were. You have any pics of your tank you can email me? I'd love to see the aquascaping setup you're describing.
I plan on going DSB too, and I know you've talked about it here on the BB, but, if you don't mind talking more about it, I'd appreciate some email correspondence from you.
My feeling is that 300+ watts of MH is going to be overpowering to my tank as well as my housing wiring, not to mention my budget! And, too, VHO gives your various bulb lighting options to play with, and I like that.
Any info would be appreciated.