lights on a nano? My 1st nano...


My parents are giveing me a 10 gal FW tank, and I was thinking about useing it as a nano. Give it a try anyways. It has a standard top and I was wondering if I need to up grade the lights or are they ok? I was planning on mostly mushroom and other items that dont need a hole lot of light. My wife wants me to try a sea apple. What do you guys think? I fyou guys have pics of ur 10 gal with little light pls post ty.
Hi Wwfstyle,
With the low light corals and mushrooms you should be okay with what you've got, but a P.C. or T5 upgrade would give you a little more variety. The Sea Apples are awesome, but a little dangerous I would think for a ten gallon. I would worry about the toxicity of a dead Sea Apple in a 100 Gallon! Good luck with the tank and with your Wife, I might have to get a whole separate set up because my Wife can't understand why an Emperor Angel isn't a good idea for my 30 Nano that I'm setting up!:D


Active Member
Most polyps and shrooms will do merely OK under that lighting. The fixture that you are referring to is easily retrofitted with a PC light (I think that a 36 watter fits really well in there) and that will really open up some doors for you as far as corals go. Check out


A nice set up I've used in the past for a 10 gal was a 2X32 PC CSL retro. You have to build a canopy but IMO it makes a great softies tank.
My Tank


Active Member

Originally posted by MarVida
A nice set up I've used in the past for a 10 gal was a 2X32 PC CSL retro. You have to build a canopy but IMO it makes a great softies tank.
My Tank

Cool little tank - any fishies?? Also the gurgling water sound freaked me out @ first!!