Here from wet web media.
"In truth, properly sized and set up MH's do their work in about 4-6 hours. However, living things have evolved to varying photoperiods, known as seasons. Longer hours of light in summer and shorter in winter. The winter photoperiod gets down to about 8 hours, so this is the least I would go myself. Properly sized MH's do all they need to do in about 6 hours, but you need a longer photoperiod to simulate nature anywhere from 10-12 hours) and the remaining photoperiod can be VHO, PC etc. Your MH will do this but after about 6 hours it's mainly adding heat. With only MH, I would go for about 10 hours minimum. I use a 12 hour photoperiod, the first two hours VHO, then MH's come on for 8 hours, then VHO for last two hours. Make sure your ventilation is up to par"