Lights requried?


Active Member
What kind of corals. If you want sps, I would say a 2-3 400 watt 20,000k MH would do it. If you just want softies you could go with VHO, PC, or a combo f either with some lower watt MH. The choices are endless. At 72" long (assuming standard 180g) I personaly would have 3 250w MH 10,000k bulbs with suplemenal VHO actinics. But I like the easy stuff, shrooms, xenia, frogspawn, brains, bubble coral, zoo's. BigMac is the resident MH expert maybe he will chime in here.


Wow, Great info. Thanks so much
I too would like to stick to the so called "easy" stuff, haha.
I do not want to go down a road that is over my head right now so I will stick with soft corals which do not require maximum or "perfect" lighting.
If I decide to take up your suggestion of 3 250 w MH 10,000K bulbs with suplemenal VHO actinics how much money are we talking about? I already have two fairly powerful overhead bulbs in there, although I am not exactly sure of there wattage.


Is it possible to setup the proper lighting for live rock and coral just on one side of the tank. ( tank is 180G )
Since I still want to allow maximum room for fish to roam but would like to house some coral and rock.
Also, should get a UV sterilizer if I plan on having some live rock in the tank or do i need that bacteria, etc. to keep the cycle of life going with the coral


Active Member
It is possible but to set up one side of your tank, but not recomended in my book. I know it seems like that open room at the end you are talking about would be used...but it won't. Everyfish I have seen will stay near the rocks, it's instinct for them. Does you tank have an overflow, if not I would recomend getting it drilled, or returning it and getting a tank with an internal overflow. I would then get a sump, and a refugium. No need for a UV sterilizer if you want to set up a reef. As far as the lights you have, if they are Normal Output(NO) you could stick with those for suplemental lighting just get actinic bulbs(blue colored) I recomend URI. As far as the MH it depends on if you want to DIY it or buy a system all set up. Does you system have a canopy?


The tanks filtration system consists of a wet/dry filter which seems to work very well (Do you think I should put another canoster filter on there for more power). Should I then focus my energy on lights and a protein skimmer rather than a fluvac and a UV sterilizer?
I need to find out what type of lights are in there but they are hanging in a canopy and they are pretty strong. I also only want to put fill up a bout 1/4 of the tank with rock and coral since the fish i have seem to really like to use the whole tank and I don't want to hinder there ability to move around too much of they want to. How many pounds of live rock do you suggest.
Thanks so much.


Active Member
If they are hanging, like pendant style then they are MH, if they are long regular looking tubes they could be NO, or VHO, if they are smaller tubes connected together they are PC. I know the fish like to use the whole tank, (most likely the tangs doing this) but add the rock, and they will play in it, plus more rock means more filtration. How does the water get to your wet/dry. Is there a box hanging on the back, or does it overflow into a box in the corner, and then flow below your tank. Sorry I did not read your signature I thought for some reason the tank was brand new and not set up yet. I personaly think cannister filters have their place in the aquatic world, just not the slatwater part.(except for J21Kickster he's mangae to make his work really wellon his 29g :) )


The tank has been up and running for over 5 years and so have all the fish in the tank. I believe it overflows into the corner and then into a box on the back of the tank and then down in to the balls -> sump? with carbon bags -> gets refiltered back into tank. It seems to be quite adequate for the tank since it has been running like that for years without problems.
As far as the lights go, i do not believe they are hanging but rather fix in place. I have every indication to believe they are NO lights.
Also, I have a big black damsel that bosses everyone around and two small angel damsels. Before I add anything to the tank I feel i should put him up for adoption at a pet store? Thoughts? What about the little angel damsels? Finally, if I do want to put some rock in there, do you think I should focus my attention (obviosly the lights are number one) on a protein skimmer?


Active Member
I'd say hang out in the photography and reef forums for a while. Look at the pictures when you start seeing peoples set ups that look like what you want then start asking what they have. Lights? how much live rock? filtration? that kind of stuff. Than when you have a real clear picture go for it. Personally I got all set up with my rocks and filtration then hooked up my lighting.