Originally posted by viet-tin
would i have to purchase a chiller to help with my temp? im not building a canopy...its jus gonna hang over my tank. Maybe i can buy a fan and have it blow over the water? But if i need a chiller, what brand is best?
Are you asking if YOU would have to buy a chiller or if your cousin would have to buy one
I run 2x400 watt MH's over my open top 120, 30 gal fuge and 40 gal sump. My house stays 78 degrees and my chiller runs two to three times a day. I also have a large fan blowing over the top of the tank. But, my tank is in a closet, so the temp gets a little hotter in there even tho I have good air exchange. You wont know until you have it setup. Since its open top I'd run a good size fan. You might want to think about auto top off.
FWIW, I run a 1/3hp aqualogics chiller. I do recommend them.