lil critters


I have the 29g semi reef(LR,LS) some sponges on LR, 2 percula clowns. Which type shrimp should I get and how many? Also wich type crabs do I need to sift sand but no damage anything? and how many? Also which is recomende brittle stars or red star fish?
Also are mandarin gobies good for sand sifting?
[ September 12, 2001: Message edited by: teog ]


Active Member
Originally posted by teog:
Also are mandarin gobies good for sand sifting?
No. Mandarins are not considered sand sifters... take a look at their mouth. No way a mouth like that could do much sifting.
[ September 12, 2001: Message edited by: jacksonpt ]
as far as sand sifters go, i would recommend a cucumber, and a tiger stripe sand sifting starfish. There are several species of shrimp and crabs that are sold as sand sifters. these will dig deep burrows in the sand bed. i would not add these because they are amazing excavationists and may dig huge burrows under live rock causing it to tumble. As for shrimp that can be safely added: One or two cleaner shrimp would be my first choice. they are a bit more expensive, but from what i've seen, the least likely to pick at coral polyps.
[ September 12, 2001: Message edited by: CoconutTelegraph01 ]


madarins will not stir up the sand like other gobies? if not how is the blue spot jawfish as a sifter?