lil' one


i just found a lil baby brittle star.all white...ona rock with mushrooms........i moved the rock with the lil guy and put it in a fry basket on the side of the tank.............i hope he there any thing special i should do to help him along....he's about...its way smaller than a dime in diameter.....


Active Member
best thing is put him back in the sand- they will always stay small- its not the same as the large ones you buy- i have over a dozen in my tank- i rarely see them though

nm reef

Active Member
Definitely sounds like a mini brittle star...great addition to your DSB diversity. Some sites sell them as part of detrivore kits for big bucks. I've got a bunch of them in my refugium system from addition of crud/rubble from LR curing tanks. They've also started to show up in the display since I removed trhe wrasse...guess he was munching them.