liltle anemone on rock? msg back asap


i got i kinda big peice of live rock and 2 lil peices...... the liltle peices have corals on them one has some mushroom corals they use to be kinda big but now there thier small and the other one has some type of poylops. im going back tommrow toe get a couple of more peices. one has a liltle anemone on it. would it be ok for me to get it? the guy said it would be ok but i dont know. i also got 2 lil hermit crabs pablo and squirt. when i go again could i get a starfish the red one thats reef safe and a cleaner shrimp and a couple snails. ohhh and a emraldad crab? sorry about all the asap stuff and answer back i just dont have long on here


New Member
Well, it sounds like it may be Aiptasia, which is something you dont want. If you can, take a picture of it, so we can verify it. Aiptasia typically looks kind of light to dark brown, and isn't very attractive. It will sting other coral and will multiply rapidly in your tank. There are methods to remove it, but that is a mission in itself.


Active Member
Regular appy

Majano anemone to the right..... another variety of regular appy hiding to the left.

This one is often called a strawberry anemone... but's that's just the common name.
Yeah the first pic is Aiptasia...squirting boiling water at it should kill it. I have two Peppermint Shrimp so I don't have Aiptasia problem...but a buddy of mine squirts his with boiling hot water and it takes care of it.


Active Member
Originally Posted by spanko
Just an FYI this one is probably Pseudocorynactis.
Yes it is, but the LFS told him it was an anemone so I was covering all areas.... where it's common name is strawberry anemone.


Active Member
Again just a FYI. Strawberry anemone is corynactis californica. More or a colder water species where the psuedocorynactis caribbeorum is from the caribbean and warmer waters, more likely to be seen in our aquariums. Psuedocorynactis is commonly called orange ball anemone.
Not busting you chops just clarifying things for future use.