limp xenia


i have 2 separate frags of xenia in my tank.when the lights came on today they were fine, about 3 hrs later they were deflated and shriveled up params.ammo,0 trites,0 trates,0 ph8.0,alk,7dkh calcium600 i know the calc. is high. forgot to mention,i also have a lawnmower blenny that seems to be breathing very rapidly. :help: :help: ps how can i lower the calc. levels?


try dosing

I had a mollie miller blennie that grazed the tops off the xenia, once the blennie was relocated in the sump all was well.


Make sure that nothing is touching the xenia. I have a lot in my tank and sometimes a stalk will wither down and look dead for a day ot two then pop back to life. My larger colonies don't do that just the small frags that break away, float off and try to relocate on their own.


Originally Posted by TeresaQ
xeina is a funny coral-it will do good, the crash. try a little more flow on it.
I agree. They do love the flow.