linkia star ?


New Member
I know that linkias are not supposed to be exposed to the air while acclimating, but my LFS tells me that touching them with your hands will also kill them. Is this true? And can anyone explain necrosis? Is that when they turn white and start to "unravel"? What causes this? Thanks -M


Active Member
Well, I'm not an expert, but I do remember Ophoria saying that it was a myth that starfish can't be taken out of the water. As for the touch, if your hand is clean as it is supposed to be, I can't imagine it would kill them. Does the guy at the LFS smoke? I think if you are a smoker, you shouldn't ever have your hand in the tank, just too many nasties on your hands. Many people don't stop to think about that, and my friend had his tank crash several times because of it.