Linksys Wireless Router Question


Active Member
I just bought a new laptop and setup a Linksys Wireless Router. It's the 11.G. It shows I'm connected at 54 MBPS, but is there a utility that shows the actual throughput I'm getting? I have WEP enabled so I know I'm losing some speed, but I have no idea how much.


Active Member
your not losing so much speed through the internet provider...its mainly the transfer speed that downgrades your connection.
check out and do a diagnostic on your up and down speeds with the WEP on and without...then go from there
i havent studied WEP much...i didnt know that it would lessen your connection.
it is a must though. I just had 4 wireless networks go up in my area. when i first bought it i noticed some traffic late at night when i was i decided to put the WEP key into effect...havent noticed any differences though.


Active Member
Look on the AP and look for mobile units or something like that. Usually you can see your laptop and it will give you some sort of Idea on your connection.


Active Member
We use WEP here on all of our 802.11b network and I do not see but a smidgeon of loss. I DO however notice that with DS your coverage area is alot smaller over FH. I would think distance from AP plays a far larger role in speed loss over WEP.
If you start to notice a slow down, try to reposition your AP. (By AP I mean your wireless device)
Just thinking outloud here...


Active Member
I don't think my speed is bad. I am curious what it is exactly between my wireless router and my laptop. I know my DSL runs about 1.2 mbps so I know I'm limited to that when accessing the web.
The position seems to work ok although they are as far apart as you can get in my house. The wireless router is in the upstairs office at one end of the house and the laptop is downstairs at the other end of the house. I get 2 of 5 bars on signal strength and I watched streaming videos from Launch last night at the highest resolution with no problems. I just find it strange that there is nothing on my router that will show me the bandwidth speed of my laptop connection. :notsure:


Active Member
Let me get this straight. You dug up an old post of mine that is almost a year old to make a statement about someone that is no longer here by that name (but returned with another)?
I'm completely at a loss :notsure: