lion acting weird


Active Member
my antennata lion who i just got yesterday is swimming upside on and the surface, is he ok? :notsure:


Active Member
well firefish (aka tim) he was swimming upsidedown,then he died? odd part tho, my ph is good (8.2) my ammonia is zero, my nitrates and nitrites are zero and my salintiy is 1.022 :notsure: :mad:
$50 down the drain ppls!!


Wow, sorry to hear about your new lion, I did read your post yesterday on it.......
Actually this is probably nothing you did or with your tank. Lions do not ship well really, if you do decide to go with another lion make sure it has been at your LFS 7-10 days before bringing it home. Have them hold it for you but not feed it for you, go in buy ghost shrimp, gut load them yourself or even try to wean the lion onto frozen foods during this holding time. If it is a LFS you deal with often they won't mind, Oh I drive mine crazy when I buy a
Do you know how long they had it before bringing it home?
Was the lion in quarantine?
What else did you have in the tank with this lion?
Did you or your LFS net this lion?


Active Member
to nswer ur questions in oreder they only had it a day, no, a couple of damsels (sadly none wer killed by him) and yes they used a net against my bettr judgement


Active Member
ok i told the lfs he died w/in 24hrs of puchase, told them my lvls and tankmates, they said nothing was wrong soi get a credit for $50 worth of fish, i dont get it tho. y did he just die? i did notice something strange tho. the day i got him his pattern was faded at the tail. i just overlooked it but could it be a clue as to what killed him?


i dont get it tho. y did he just die? i did notice something strange tho. the day i got him his pattern was faded at the tail. i just overlooked it but could it be a clue as to what killed him?
It is hard to say why, it could be a number of things, lions need pretty good water quality and they do not always get this through shipping, temp swings or even bacterial infections. That is why it is best if they hold it for you, if you do get another lion take in plastic pitcher and dip the lion out yourself.......