Lion Crazz, Just an update


I finished treatment with Stop Parasite Tuesday, during the weekend I did lose my smaller PJ and my Royal Gramma, was sorry to see this happen but at least some survived, but the large PJ is still alive, eating and seems fine except he still looks like he is full of ick, I am sure he is blind in one eye after watching him eat this morning (big white spot on eye and eye is very cloudy looking . The other two fish my Percula and my Blue Devil are clean it appears, I did a 15% water change after treatment.
On the Stop Parasite bottle it states as a prevention to use once every two weeks, do you do this?
Thanks for your time. :happyfish


Active Member
No, I have never followed the prevention indtructions. If the cardinal still has it, you must not have corrected what was wrong to stress them out in the first place. Have you tested your levels lately to make sure they are in check? (ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, pH, kH, salinity, temp)


I do a test with the 5 in 1 strip, guess I need to get a little more updated on my testing, any ideas on what kit? You being the wealth of knowledge all we newbies need your input would be appreciated. Temp is 76 and all levels show ideal including salinity test.


Active Member
Yep, those test strips are highly inaccurate. I would pick up a master test kit at least to test for pH, ammonia, nitrite, and nitrate. Then, you will need an alkalinity test kit. I would use the Salifert ones for that.
Ultimately, Salifert is the best, but it is also the most expensive.
The reason the fish may have died and not been able to fight off the ich could be poor water quality. That is a very common reason. If you have poor water quality, no treatment method will truly work to eradicate ich because the fish can't keep his immune system high enough to fight it off.


Thanks for your input, as of Today Sunday, my PJ is still alive and eating well, He still looks like he was beaten up (though not literally) but he seems to be doing fine. I bought a large bottle of Stop parasite for back up so and I will not be adding any more fish for at least a month, keep the three I have for now and just leave it be, 25% water change scheduled for this coming Friday, all levels show ideal, sality is right on, water is crystal clear and everything seems to be doing fine. :jumping: