Lion Crazz you here?


Again thanks for your recommendations on the Stop Parasite, seems to be working, I did lose my small PJ but he has not been eating so I was not suprised to find him a goner. My question is after the treatment is complete do I do a 10% water change like the other reef safe products, it does not specify this on the Stop Parasite product. Thanks again for your help, just hoping my Royal Gramma holds on he seems a little stressed by the treatment but that is obvious as I know it makes them produce a slime coat. :happyfish


Active Member
Yes, I would do a 10-15% water change and replace the carbon. I am glad to hear it seems to be working for you.
Was the cardinal eating at the LFS at all?
Is the gramma eating well?


Both PJ's were eating at LFS (2 weeks ago when purchased) as was the Royal, the last two or three feedings the smallest PJ stopped eating but the Royal was still doing well as of Thursday, today the gramma is hidden in one of the little caves I created with LR still alive but not even interested in their weekly treat of ghost shrimp, he seems completely uninterested which leads me to believe he may not make it either. But only time will tell, I am going to try to hand feed him some raw lobster tonight and see what happens.


You bet, after every application I do a dip test strip all levels are ideal, They did recommend that on the instructions so after about 5 minutes I test every time, Every thing shows Ideal on the test strip.


Active Member
Well, for future reference, you may want to get a more reliable test kit than the dip stirps. They are usuall pretty inaccurate.
What are you feeding the fish other than ghost shrimp?


Only Tetra marine granules, and the inverts Kent Microvert. This tank was dumped in my lap by my niece who bought a larger tank (she needed the money) So I was stuck and did not realize what it was all about and as stated earlier I am learning the hard way. I was thinking of adding fresh seafood to their diets a couple of times a week, we are on the East coast of Florida and have great resources. I keep getting so many different options on everything I am ready to scream. Today when I went to get the ghost shrimp me LFS owner suggested I get a 75 gallon because I am running a reef tank and it would do so much better than the tank I have????? hmmmmm figure that one out!. My husband is ready to kill me over all this, he said if this tank does not make it you get rid of it! But I so enjoy it, well when it is doing well anyway, I am trying to get it right! He was actually happy my little PJ died! He use to keep a 150 gallon tank but it was not tank bred, they dived (shame on them) to get the stock for that. Any suggestions on the test kit I should get, you obviously know what you are doing so your suggestion would be appreciated.


Active Member
One of the first things that you will learn about LFS' is that most LFS' want your money. They will tell you just about anything to get you to spend more money (and this is coming from someone who has worked at several LFS'). When I worked at the LFS' I did, I would pride myself in giving 100% truth to my customers, regardless of whether it wasn't making the store any money at the moment. My thinking is that to get someone to spend $200 in one visit and then never to return is not a good thing ever. However, if you are honest and helpful, they may only spend $20, but they will be back 10 more times because they have found someone they can trust to help them. These are the type of people you need to find. The ones who know what they are doing, and looking out for YOUR best interests, not the LFS. The more and more you are in this hobby, the better eye you will get for that, trust me. Take what they say with a grain of salt and always get a second opinion until you know you can absolutely trust what the person is telling you.
I would just stay with the tank you have. It is a fine size.
Fresh seafood would be great to feed your fish. The most important thing you need to know is variety. If you and I ate pizza every day, we would start to dislike it and get very unhealthy. Fish are the same way. They need nutrition and variety. Tetra Marine granules are okay, but only in a large diet. It is not okay if it is the only thing being fed.
I would pick up Salifert test kits for pH, kH/alkalinity, and nitrates. Salifert kits are the most reliable on the market. You can use the cheap ones (Aquarium Pharmaceuticals) for ammonia and nitrite, since no established tanks really get either of these things. The cheap test kits for these will notify you if there is a problem. You don't need precision for these, because, any sort of ammonia or nitrite in your tank is bad.


Thanks so much, you know when I hired a new caretaker of my tank he and his mother (owner of the LFS) said this tank will be so beautiful once it gets right, (2 weeks ago) now she is trying to get me to go larger. I am content with what I have and will keep it. I will invest in this test kit as my dip test is not really reliable enough if that is the right word. But again thank you for all your help, I thing maybe you deserve a advise award as you have helped me greatly. Thanks again :cheer:


Active Member
Originally Posted by captainMJ
Thanks so much, you know when I hired a new caretaker of my tank he and his mother (owner of the LFS) said this tank will be so beautiful once it gets right, (2 weeks ago) now she is trying to get me to go larger. I am content with what I have and will keep it. I will invest in this test kit as my dip test is not really reliable enough if that is the right word. But again thank you for all your help, I thing maybe you deserve a advise award as you have helped me greatly. Thanks again :cheer:
It's never a problem at all. If you ever have a question or need something clarified, you are more than welcome to send me an email if you'd like.
Your tank definitely will be beautiful. All you need is patience and knowledge.