Lion Fish acting weird

Hey Guys & Gals, We've had our Volitan Lionfish for about four month's now, He was very little ( 1 1/2" long ) when we got him, He started out in a 30 gal. octagon tank till we got our 75 gal. cycled out & he's been in there for about month & he has just recently started hanging out at the top of the tank at the water return & get this, He is completely upside down but appears fine & swims around like normal at other times, Any knowledge on this would be greatly appreciated........ Thanks... John & Sherri


yeah they actually chill upside down sometimes, doyou have any caverock work in the tank? they usuallly love caves and will go insice them upside down, the only times my fuzzy dward was right side up swimming horizontally was when he was chasing food for the most part.
Thanks for the reply, We don't have any caverock currently, Yeah we didn't think much about it when he was facing downward being he did that from the get-go, But completely flipped over was very strange looking to us, We noticed the niger in your pic, We also have a niger trigger, But we don't have them in the same tank, K then....Have a good evening