lion fish and spiny box puffer


New Member
Okay so heres the thing, in our house we have three tanks. One 40 something reef with a clown and a dory. A biocube (25) with two Mollie miller blennies and a spiny box puffer. And one 55gal with a lion fish, snowflake eel, a clown fish and 2 damsels. I already know that the tanks are too small so I'm posting this before we actually upgrade because they are all still small enough to temporarily be in those tanks. Anyway, we were going to start an aggressive tank and a reef tank (55 as the reef and bigger for the aggressive.) Ive been on a good amount of sites and I'm getting mixed reviews as to mixing the puffer and the lion. The lion and puffer are both doing fine alone but I'm worried that if the puffer were introduced after the lion, he would just nip fins.


Well-Known Member
What kind of lion? I had a dwarf and porcupine puffer in my tank and they were fine. I ask the type BC if you keep the clowns and damsels w a big lion he will eat them eventually


Back in the "old days", like 25 years ago, I also pulled off keeping a P. volitans with a Diodon puffer, which worked for several years (there was also a SFE in the tank, but that's another story that didn't involve the lion). The lionfish was well-established first (not a plan, but it worked out that way). So...if you try it, I'd do the same thing: Establish the lion in the target tank well before adding the burrfish, AND have a Plan B in case it doesn't work out.
That being said, knowing what I know now, would I try it again? Nope...I really
enjoyed my puffer, but I like my lionfishes better, and give them the best conditions I can.


New Member
And yeah were aware that the clown and damsels will be feeder fish once the lion gets bigger. But I mean they're only damsels and the clown was free so id be more concerndd about my 45 and 50 dollar fish


Nice Russel's...altho it almost looks as if something has been chewing on the tips of the rays on its right pectoral fin.