lion fish in need of medical att.HELP!


I just noticed today that my lion has something on him that kind of looks like ick,but i also just got done treating him for ick about 2weeks ago,but could it be ick?
I treated him with coppersafe in the same tank i keep him in,so i figured the copper safe would have taken care of it,but what ever it is,it looks like tiny faded and almost transparent looking ick and there on his eyes also,wich seems to impare his ability to see his food until it swims directly in front of his mouth then sucks it up,and he is breathing harder than usual,I dont know what it is or what to do,I don't want to lose my buddy,Ive had him to long,PLEASE HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!THANKS! A.S.
[ July 09, 2001: Message edited by: devillion ]
[ July 09, 2001: Message edited by: devillion ]


What are you feeding him? If he is only eating live feeder goldfish that might be catching up with him. If not is the coppersafe still in the water? Treating fish for too long is not good and copper is toxic to fish at higer level or extended period of time. If there is still copper in the water I would change as much water as you can as quickly as you can. If this is not the case lionfish are incredibly hardy, and he may just pull through, but don't give your hopes up.


HEY THANKS reefj13!!!!!!I belive that was most of my problem,but i had checked my nitrate level,and had sky rocketed off the chart,and still am having trouble getting it to a lower level,and cant figure out why,other than some dead coral i bought a couple of weeks ago from my lfs and it has been scince then that i have noticed high levels of nitrates,could there have been life on the coral,and when i added coppersafe killed what ever was on it,causing high nitrates?my amonia level is neutral,i'm stumped!I'm still to new at this i guess. A.S. :eek:P.S. my lion is doing much better now and is eating!
[ July 11, 2001: Message edited by: devillion ]


Staff member
While he's healthy, you might to offer him some garlic soaked food. I know that if he's eating only live foods, this may be difficult. Perhaps socking a piece of raw shrimp soaked in garlic for a wk or so, might be helpful if it is a resistent ick problem.