lion fish not eating

for 2 days my lion fish has not eaten i use to feed him by hand and even now he just swims away when i give him silver sides , but he doesn,t seem to look sick at all he swims around alot looking for food but i can,t seems to see whats up i,am gonna try to feed him big shrimp , any thoughts anyone ? :confused:


Some fish stop eatting for a couple days and then start again, I have had a couple do that to me over the years, all you can do is keep trying to feed him. Have you ever tried to feed him krill, not to may fish can turn that down. How long have you had the lion? and is there anything in the tank that be spooking him? Good Luck
i hav had him for about 3 months and he is the king of the tank no one bothers him , he even tries to eat the triggers ,lol but they are too fast for him ,thanks for the info i hope he will be ok :confused:


He should be o.k., try varying his diet. Mine has gone 5 days without eating and he will not eat if he is not fed at the same time or if he is not the first one fed. He likes to pout and he thinks he's punishing me by not eating but hunger always takes over and he can't resist eating. I feed him krill, silversides, shrimp, plankton, prime reef. He's such a baby. As long as your lion is not sick he should be o.k. ;)


How does his stomach look? Is it full, or bloated looking? Or is it flat or thin?
It could be that you are overfeeding him. Most people recommend that lionfish be fed only 2 to 3 times per week. Not only does this simulate what happens in nature, but it also helps to avoid liver problems.
It is also a good idea to vary the diet as much as possible. If you are using raw shrimp or fish from the grocery store, remember to soak the food in saltwater vitamins too.
I know how hard it can be to resist feeding them, mine begs everytime I go near the tank. But it is much better for them not to overfeed. Good luck to you!


Don't push the food at this point. It certainly won't hurt him to not eat for a few days.
Have you checked your water? Aside from not eating, have you noticed anything else, like excess mucus, cloudy eyes, darkening of color?
One thing you can do that will do no harm is a water change, and it might even help!


To begin, a lion doesn't have to eat every day. He would be fine, actually better, if he only ate every other day or so. They can even go up to 5 being in perfect health. If you feed them daily they will grow fast, but their life will be greatly shortened. It will make a difference from 2 to 3 years or ten.
he is eating now thank good i giving him large shrimps freeze dryed he love it and i,am feeding him every other day ,thanks guys for the info :D