lion fish poinsonous spines


Mine stung my puffer fish and left a big mark. I thought my puffer was a going to die because he just sat in the corner hoovering for about 3 days. After the 3rd day he was back to normal. My puffer is pretty tough and has last through everything. I don't think regular fish would do well.


LionFish says......
Well, to be perfectly honest with you, there is a slim chance that the lion would ever actually sting your fish. Although, I have seen it and it sure is a possibility, it is a rarity. Lions aren't wanting to pick a fight and don't really want anything to do with the other tankmates. But there are cases where the lion gets fed up with a fish and gives em a good blast. Some of the effects are serious burns, paralysis, and death. Burns are usually the case and the fish will usually recover in due time but in some cases the fish will become paralysed or it may die. I'll tell ya what, though. I have been stung by my lions in the past and it don't feel good. It feels like a whole bunch of wasps stinging at one spot on the arm. It kills for up to a day but after that it fades away. If you do get stung I would recommend putting your arm under very hot water. Hope this helps a bit.