Lion Fish seems to pe paralized


About 2 1/2 days ago I found my Lion laying on his side almost belly up. I managed to scoop him out and put him in the QT. I thought he was a goner but he's hanging in, but just seems unable to upright himself. Any ideas? I've done the water test stuff and everything is o.k. ( all other tank mates are in great shape. The Porcupine Puffer was acting weird (almost like a sad puppy with his tail between his legs), the day I found the Lion But he and all the Tangs and Wolf Eel are great.


Staff member
Perhaps the victim of aggression. Tangs can be rather sneaky with aggression when using their little swords. I've had fish succumb to deep cuts that went virtually undetected by me.
I suggestion looking at him closely with a magnifying glass. Was he otherwise doing well prior to this?


He was eating but seemed a bit more listless than normal. But that has been his behavior since around the time he dropped his youth antennas. For about the last 2 Months I have had to put food right in front of his mouth as he sits on the bottom soaking up the current from a power head. He would move around so I assumed this was his natural behavior of transitioning to an adult, He's about 10", The Tangs are almost small enough to be a meal. I've been treating with Metronidazole for the past 3 days (includes today,Sun.), Also just treated with Vitamin C. If he could just get himself turned upright he would seem to be fine, it's odd as hell. If he got a mouthful of puffer slim would that give him paralysis?


Staff member
What size tank is he in? Puffer fish are known to have toxin that certainly can paralyze/kill.


The tank is a 120 gal. I just posted another thread asking about bladder issues. Have any insight?