Lion Fish Sick Won't Eat??


My adult lionfish stopped eatting about a week ago. Everytime I give him any food he trys to eat it and spits it right back out and then does a cough like thing a opens his mouth wide. Anyone have any idea what this could be and how to cure it? I feed him silversides and shrimp.


I feed him silversides and shrimp.
What else have you been feeding your lion?
Are you soaking the foods in vitamins?
What kind of shrimp are you feeding and are you leaving the shell on?
Are the eyes clear or cloudy?
How often do you feed your lion?
Are you feeding Live foods?
I am guessing the fish does not have lockjaw because it wants to eat but can not. Your lions Diet is very important, a lack of nutrients can lead to premature death yet so can over feeding.......
Feeding fresh water fish can cause fatty liver disease / fatty degeneration of internal organs, vision failure & in time they will be unable to swallow or can develop Lock jaw which can lead to starvation.
With that said a lack of nutrition can also lead to a lion that is unable to swallow, vision failure and lockjaw.......
This lion needs a variety of food - Octo, Squid, Raw Shrimp, Scallops, Ocean White Fish, Crab, Frozen Sand Eels, Silversides are fine but not all the time, Raw Shrimp with the shell left on....... You lion also needs foods that are soaked in vitamins.
Sorry for all the questions, we need to narrow this down........


Active Member
Sounds like there might be something stuck in his throat. Is it a large lion? Can you see any obstruction when he yawns after spitting the food out? Hope you can figure it out. Good luck, Barry


He is about 8-9". I feed him silversides 98% of the time, I just started feeding him a few small pieces of cut up shrimp without the shell. I have tried to feed him other things over the years but all he likes is silversides. I dont think its lock jar because he opens and closes his mouth fine. Its like the second it hits the back of his throat something makes him spit it out. I have never used any kind of vitamins on any of my food. Could it be some kind of goiter? I cant see anything in his thoart when he opens his mouth.


oh yea, his eyes are perfectly clear and his skin looks fine. I have noticied that he has been shedding a bit over the last month or so if that helps with anything. He usually sheds his skin once every couple months but it has seemed to be alot lately.


Goiter is possible but my guess is lack of nutrition, your lions diet should consist of Octo, Squid, Scallops, Raw Shrimp (with shell), Crab, Frozen Sand Eels, Silversides and so on. The foods should be soaked in vitamins every feeding.
In some cases lions will eat again, in others they will not. I would try something small like Frozen krill thawed (soak in vitamins). I would also pick up some some Beta Glucan 7mg. if possible, if you can not find 7 mg. pick up Beta Glucan 3 mg. at your local health food store. Open the capsul and just pour it in the water you are soaking your food in. Right now we need to boost the immune system in your lion.


Constant shedding can be a sign of improper health, stress or water quality.....
What size tank is your lion in and have you checked the water?


hes in a 55 gallon. The water is ok, the nitrates are high and always have been. Everything else in the tank is ok. What kind of vitamins do I need to get?


IMO your tank has possibly become to small for this lion, I would either transfer it to a larger tank or find a new home for the lion. They can become stressed in small enclosures as they grow.
What kind of vitamins do I need to get?
You can get Zoe or Selcon from your LFS....


I have a 125 with a stingray in it, but im worried about the 2 of them together because the ray is so avtive and has been the only thing in the tank for so long!