Lion Fish Sick?



I got a volitan about 8 months ago and never had any problems until about 3 weeks ago. The lion was always eager to eat and would come to the top of the tank when it was feeding time. Now it still comes to the top of the tank and will look at the food (freeze dried krill or silversides) but it just stares at the food and follows it around the tank until it reaches the overflow box. Occasionaly it will make a weak attempt at bitting at the food but it does not get the food in its mouth and it is definetly not like before where you could hear the pop of the water as it devoured its food. I also noticed that it's "horns" looked flacid and more recently look shriveled. I tried soaking the food in garlic but that has not helped. I have had success twice in the last month using a feeding stick to animate the food but I am afraid that it is not eating enough. Does anyone have any advice or suggestions? It is greatly appreciated.


Have you checked your water readings? How long has it been since he ate? Did you add anything new recently?


Hey I have the exact same problem, almost the exact same fish too mine is 8 months old and not eating at all, my water is perfect I just tested. PLEASE HELP ME TOOO!


Lions will decide to fast sometimes. As long as all readings are good, the lion looks healthy, and nothing is harassing the fish, don't worry. If he doesn't want to eat for over a week then something is wrong.


Active Member
Originally Posted by sepulatian
Lions will decide to fast sometimes. As long as all readings are good, the lion looks healthy, and nothing is harassing the fish, don't worry. If he doesn't want to eat for over a week then something is wrong.
Right on the money.
My question for you is providing water quality is good, what do you feed your lions, and how often. The reason I ask this is overeating, and a bad diet is the number one killer of lions. These fish are very hardy, and long lived. However if they are not provided with a proper diet (an not too much of it) they will develop fatty deposits on their liver. And since lions are so fun to feed, and they always "look" hungry it is easy to overfeed.
In my experience lions should only eat 3 times a week, and they should have a varied diet.
I feed mine Silversides, shrimp, squid, octo, and scallops. I vary what I feed each time, and only feed until there is a slight bulge in the lions stomach. I buy the shrimp, squid and scallops from the grocery store. You can find a frozen 2lb package of raw calamari (squid) for about $4.99, If you buy the squid from the LFS it runs about $10 a pound.
I add the food to a cup of tank water to thaw, and add vitamins and selcon and let it sit for an hour or so before feeding.
Good luck with your lions


Active Member
Originally Posted by sepulatian
Lions will decide to fast sometimes. As long as all readings are good, the lion looks healthy, and nothing is harassing the fish, don't worry. If he doesn't want to eat for over a week then something is wrong.
I have never kept a lion that didn't fast occasionally.