I got a volitan about 8 months ago and never had any problems until about 3 weeks ago. The lion was always eager to eat and would come to the top of the tank when it was feeding time. Now it still comes to the top of the tank and will look at the food (freeze dried krill or silversides) but it just stares at the food and follows it around the tank until it reaches the overflow box. Occasionaly it will make a weak attempt at bitting at the food but it does not get the food in its mouth and it is definetly not like before where you could hear the pop of the water as it devoured its food. I also noticed that it's "horns" looked flacid and more recently look shriveled. I tried soaking the food in garlic but that has not helped. I have had success twice in the last month using a feeding stick to animate the food but I am afraid that it is not eating enough. Does anyone have any advice or suggestions? It is greatly appreciated.