Lion fish


I was looking into getting a lion for my 200g. But i dont really like the volitan lion, (too common) and ive never really liked the fuzzys, and the dwarf zebra's i know are hard to keep so i was considering one of three species. Antennata, Radiata, or Russell's. But i haven't seen to many of them so if you own one please post a picture and tell me how you like them ect...
I don't have any pics for you but I thought Id shout out my opinion. I feel the same way about the volitan and fuzzy by the way, but thats pretty much all my lfs ever has so sadly I'm stuck. But if I were you Id get the radiata, they are some of the harder species of lion to keep but that doesn't say very much, they are still very hardy, and would do very well in your 200.
Here is a pic of my baby antennata...who is unfortunately no longer with me
he was absolutely great. So entertaining, great personality fish. I absolutely would recommend to anyone.


Active Member
Volitan Lions are common, yes, but they are one magnificant fish, once they become large.


Thats one good looking lion. But after looking at pics on the net im really leaning towards the Radiata lion for its defined lines. I like how it has such dark paterns.


Active Member
hey rara,
theres nothignc ommon about my russles and volitan ,, their colors are VERY different than most ive saw and they are huge which ike AW2 said is evan better! go check out my pics againa nd tell me what you think of them


Originally Posted by AW2x3
Volitan Lions are common, yes, but they are one magnificant fish, once they become large.
I agree especialy with the different color varrieties they truley are one of the most sought after fish in the hobby.


I'm trying to decide on a Lion fish also. Here is a good article I found about them.
I hope I'm allowed to post that here, if not, I'm sorry.


Active Member

Originally Posted by topofsteel
I'm trying to decide on a Lion fish also. Here is a good article I found about them.

I hope I'm allowed to post that here, if not, I'm sorry.



Radiata from above shows the unique pattern. I love my radiata, although they are a little more sensitive to water quality and can be tricky to get feeding. Mine is also quite aggressive and chases fish away from his 'territory' regularily. If you can find one, Id definitely go with the radiata and stock up on live ghost shrimp.


Active Member
from what ive read and heard the only diff between russels and volitan r almost the same thing in the fact that a red volitan and russels r the same thing

30-xtra high

Active Member
Originally Posted by rara12
I was looking into getting a lion for my 200g. But i dont really like the volitan lion, (too common) and ive never really liked the fuzzys, and the dwarf zebra's i know are hard to keep so i was considering one of three species. Antennata, Radiata, or Russell's. But i haven't seen to many of them so if you own one please post a picture and tell me how you like them ect...
get a black voliotan... uncommom, a lil more pricy, but really sweet looking.


Originally Posted by Sharkboy13
from what ive read and heard the only diff between russels and volitan r almost the same thing in the fact that a red volitan and russels r the same thing
Volitans and Russels are certainly not the same things, despite having similar requirements. They are two different species, Volitans (Pterois volitans) and Russels (Pterois russeli). So biologically, the Russels lion has no more in common than the Radiata (Pterois radiata) or the Antennata (Pterois antennata) lions do to the Volitans lion. Id still go with a radiata or antenna lion though, both stay a more managable size ~8-10" and are a little more exotic and rare. How often do you see a 10" beast of a radiata? Ive never seen one.


Active Member
although my russels and volitan look kind of alike.. i agree there is noc omparison at all.. thewy have different personalities, colors, charescteristics etc. etc


Active Member
I've tried both (Radiata and Volitan) and let me tell you that Radiata was not interested in anything unless it was alive. He was also kind of a slow feeder, meaning he was not that aggressive about going after his food. He would basically lurk around slowly and pick off ghost shrimp as they stumbled by.
In a 200 he may be hard to get food to unless he is the only carnivore.
The volitan on the other hand comes to the top and splashes water and eats just about anything as quick as it hits the water.
Just be aware before making a plan.


Heres a video of mine feeding from a feeding stick. It took about 1 month to train off live ghost shrimp, but once trained is no harder to feed than any other lion. Oh, and in the video the radiata is about 1" in length and residing in a 5g training tank. Its been about 6 months and hes just over 2" and will be moved to a 40g tank of his own in in about 3 weeks. And the last peice of shrimp in the video is suppose to go to the cleanup crew...


Active Member
Originally Posted by Jon321
Volitans and Russels are certainly not the same things, despite having similar requirements. They are two different species, Volitans (Pterois volitans) and Russels (Pterois russeli). So biologically, the Russels lion has no more in common than the Radiata (Pterois radiata) or the Antennata (Pterois antennata) lions do to the Volitans lion. Id still go with a radiata or antenna lion though, both stay a more managable size ~8-10" and are a little more exotic and rare. How often do you see a 10" beast of a radiata? Ive never seen one.
ok i just thot so becuz i see "red volitans" w/ the same latin name and wasnt sure which was correct