ok long story short I have a 180 gal with a Lion, blue lip tang, yellow tang sailfin and a snowflake eel. The lion is my friends and he was feeding it about 5 fw goldfish feeder a day way too much the lion was getting sick. So now I'm trying to fix this most people have told me to feed him once every 2 or 3 days and not to use fw feeder fish. So I tried not to feed him for a day today and he ate my clown fish was really small kinda figured this might happen. Anyway the bluelip tang is a little big but he might be able to get it any suggestions as far as feed this guy. I want to feed him silversides but he just stares at them maybe the metal tongs are scaring him or something. Anyways looking for how to get him eating how he should be and what to feed him plz help.