lion fish


Active Member
what kind of lion fish are not aggressive (if any)? i went to the lfs and they said that a 1.5 inch volitan lion killed two other fish.
i have a cleaner shrimp, two small clownfish, a foxface, a yellow tang, a flame angel, a lawnmower blenny, and a cuc.
i really want one and ive heard theyre coral safe, but i need one that wont kill or eat my fish or cuc.


Most lions are not aggressive in the normal sense. They don't chase all the fish in your tank around. They will, however eat any fish that will fit in their mouth that goes for shrimp as well. I hope this helps. I have a radiata in with a black cap and a damsel and LARGE cleaner shrimp and tons of hermits and emerald crabs he hasn't eaten anything that wasn't fed to him. so basically, like women say, size matters.


Active Member
I would say some of the smaller ones. I would like to here Cranberrys and Ophinia's opinion on this one.


Active Member
The answer given in the post in Fish Discussion is something I agree with.
Even a dwarf is a significant threat to your clowns, shrimp and blenny. If you are not willing to sacrifice these, then you should not get one.
In addition, because they are venemous fish, it adds a whole new level of uncertainty and risk to working in your tank.
They are ambush predators and will try to consume anything that will fit into their very large mouth. Even if they can not eat it, it may cause damage to the fish they try to eat. Even if they don't do this for years, it is always a risk.
Additionally, if you are keeping a reef tank, the addition of a predator like a lionfish can significantly add to the bioload, sacrificing water quality, and possibly the health of your corals.


Active Member
i have a fuzzy dwarf lionfish for over 2 months now...its a hunter but not aggressive...when i stick my hand in the tank it never charges at my hand...make sure u know where it is at all times....i have the fuzzy with 2 small leaf scorpionfish...never even chased them around...the only thing i would say that's difficult about these type of fishes is the feeding..getting it to eat a captive diet can be sometimes difficult but i had no problems there...its coral safe but no small shrimp or small fishes...the fuzzy likes to perch so that might irritate some corals..heres a pic of mines with the leaffish..


Active Member
Originally Posted by coralreefer
what kind of lion fish are not aggressive (if any)? i went to the lfs and they said that a 1.5 inch volitan lion killed two other fish.
i have a cleaner shrimp, two small clownfish, a foxface, a yellow tang, a flame angel, a lawnmower blenny, and a cuc.
i really want one and ive heard theyre coral safe, but i need one that wont kill or eat my fish or cuc.

well first of all how big is your tank? filtration? even with a dwarf or a fu mancu, chances are your cuc will be dinner as well as your lawnmower and clowns... i wouldnt get one if i were you