lion fish

zack schwartz

Active Member
I have a 30 gal tank. I want to put a lion fish in there. What kind would you say is a voltan okay? Do you think I have to wait till the ammonia is down to0 till I get it?
thanks ZACK


From what I've heard volitans need like a 125 but you might be able to put a dwarf lion in there but I'm not sure.
honestly i wouldnt put any aggressive fish at all in a 30. With that size aquarium you could create a really nice reef set up. Considering how limited for space you would be, and how few fish you could have, i believe you would be much happier with a reef.


You could put a dwarf lion in there as long as that's all you get. Or maybe a couple damsels with him/her. But if you get a dwarf lion be sure you don't put anything else in there and have a population problem. HTH


Yes, you MUST wait until your ammonia level is 0 to put a lion fish in. But, a 30 gallon tank is too small. I agree and would not put any kind of aggressive fish in a tank that size.