In the last few days my Lion Volitan fish stays in a certain part of the tank without moving and his belly has swollen a lot too. Is it sick? What can I do?
I feed him shrimp pellets, krill, plankton, frozen food mysis. He seems that he hasn't lost his appetite.
Has his color started to fade? If he still looks good then I'd have to guess that he's fat and lazy. They don't swim much anyway, mostly just to catch food. I'd go easy on the pellets, and only feed him what he can finish in a few minutes.
Sounds like your lion could be unhealthy due to the bad water conditions. Ammonia and nitrite need to be 0, and a nitrate of 120 is very high.
I would start doing some serious water changes to get them down a lot.
What else is in the tank with the lion?
It very well could be environmental due to water.
How big is your Volitan?
"Three angels" have you watched to see if any of these angels are harassing the lion?
Lion's recovery
Since last night my Lion's belly is not swallen anymore.
Here's what I did.
a) Firstly I refreshed the water in my tank checking all the new parameters of the water properties. (nitrate dropped at 60ppm)
b) I enriched the water with Stress Coat
c) and Finally I was very cautious with his feeding. I removed live shrimps from his diet and I fed him FD Krill.
Those all seemed to do the trick.
I have a happy Lion back in my tank again.
Thank you all for advising me you're been most helpful.
Greetings from Greece
60 ppm of nitrates is still not very healthy. You have a very heavily stocked tank, and I would strongly recommend you pick up on the water changes to get those water levels down. Ammonia and nitrite really need to be at 0.
What else are you feeding the lion? If that is all you are feeding him, you are sure to have an unhealthy lion soon again.