Lion not eating, been 6 days - - - -help


I recently moved my 4 inch black volitan from one of my tanks to another. He is the only fish in the tank now. The way i tried to catch him was to lure him out of his little space with food on a poker stick. once out, netteded him using two nets. he swam head-first into the net with a little coaxing. put him into the tank (been set up for 9 months) and he floated don to the bottom. he did not really move for a day or so and has not eaten in 6 days now. I have tried live feeder fish and the usual shrimp and scallop on the poker. I think he won't go for the poker now because he thinks that a big net will follow. It worries me that he won't go for the live either. The first time i tried the live feeders he swam up to one and sized it out but did not go for it.
Is there anything else I might try??? How long will he last without eating?
Thanks for the help.


he should be ok for a while...lions are pretty hardy...once he has settled into his new home and forgets about the tramatic experience he should start eatting again..


I just had a Lion die from eating a poisonous fish so I really feel for ya.How is his color?Mine did the same thing after I did a water change.He didn't eat a thing for a week.Then one day he came around.How is his color and breathing?Keep the lights low for a day so he can rest.They are hardy fish and mine came out of what I call stress related problems fine.Hope it works out for you cause I remembered balling like a baby when I lost mine.HTH :(


LionFish says......
Yeah, Lions are pretty hardy when it comes to marine fish. I have had some go 9 days without eating. Kinda stressing to the owners, huh? Well, is he fading in color? Do you have good parameters in the water? Is he breathing hard? Basically is he really stressed? I'd give the lion 3 to 5 more days to stay alive. The only other thing you can do is keep trying to feed him. I have tried to think of something else to say but really all you can do is keep trying to coax him to eat food. Persevere and good things will come. Hope he eats soon. Keep us updated.