Lion on hunger strike?


I've had my lion for a little over 2 years now and have never had trouble getting him to eat. That was up until about 2 weeks ago when he suddenly stopped eating. Nothing wrong with him physically that I can see, no changes to the water or condition(all readings are 0 with nitrates at about 10-15 but it's always been like that). He's not getting bullied and has been with all the fish in there for at least 1 year. When it's feeding time he doesn't even go to the top of the tank and when I put food in front of him he shows no interest. Was just wondering if anyone else had any experience with this? He still looks very healthy, he just seems to have lost interest in food?


New Member
i experience that too. my lion don't eat for about a week and try feeding him in front of his face but no reaction too. so i never give him anything for about two days more then try feeding him with blue damsel and chromis after the 2nd day and he hungrily chase 3 of the damsel. so back to normal thereafter.


my lion is doing the exact same thing. he used to eat silversides, sand eels, shrimp, and krill. he wont go for anything now. i am going to the lfs to pick up some damsels today. im hoping that will help him out.


That happened to me too. Live fish worked, but you dont want to get them hooked on it. But mine then did eat again. Sometimes they just arent hungry, but if they are they should eat. Good Luck!

shark bait

I found these cool fish shape food with a pole, $8.00 for 16, vs: $3.00 a blue dam. You kinda let the lion see it in the tank for a bit, then move it over his way, slowly to his face. BOOM its gone, and feeding back to normal. But your move and lions can get cranky.