Lion on the loose...


Our local news reported that a lion has been spotted roaming around here. They are warning people to stay inside and keep garage doors down until this thing is found. The owner can't come forward because it's not legal to have exotic cats here. So, he's out the money he paid for that. Hopefully this thing doesn't kill anyone.:scared:


I live in Pickerington. I can't believe they can't find it. If you need a deal on PC lights, Jacks at Easton has some they are clearing out. 4x65 with moonlight and fan and stands for $100. The fan makes a noise and need replaced. 2x55 BNIB for $80.
Anyone up for some hunting tonight. It would be like an African Safari in the burbs.


I heard about the Lion also. Weird thing is, I guess there are only eight registered. All have been accounted for. Soooooooooooooooooooo, this one that is supposedly running around is not only illegal, but prolly getting very hungry I would imagine at this point.
Hopefully, they get it soon.