will a lion fish eat anemone, or corals?? Does anybody have any suggestions as to how I can enclose the top of my tank?? I have a HOF and HO protein skimmer so I need something I can cut to make fit around it all. Thank You.
I don't believe so.
Originally Posted by JThomas0385 http:///forum/post/2815851
Does anybody have any suggestions as to how I can enclose the top of my tank??
Egg Crate. A well fed Eel in a tank with live rock though probly won't try to escape.
it is the white plastic grid material where the squares are spaced 1/2 inch apart. you can probally locate it in Home Depot lighting section near the floresant lights. If you have a wet dry filter its the same stuff keeping your bioballs from escaping the bottom of the storage chamber.
no a lion will not eat an anemone.. as for closing the top eggcrate as others said is perfect.. its normally in the lighting section it is used for drop lights in ceilings
i use egg crate never had any problems with fish escaping. i was going to get a lion, i have many species of zoanthids in my tank, and i read that lions are extremely coral safe. go for it!
+1 prime- well fed eal and LR. place an eel pipe enclosure in your tank, the eel will be extremely happy
I also have a HOB filter and skimmer..I took a hacksaw and cut the egg crate to fit my needs. scissors work but they are kind of messy, as well as snips.. the saw works the best-JMO