Lion Question


New Member
Hello everyone,
My tank has just finished it's cycle with 40 lbs of lr. A friend of mine has a dwarf lion, he is looking to get rid of. It is a beautiful fish. My question is, Would I be able to keep 2 in my tank(55G), or any other fish with it. The tank has no fish at the moment. I would love to have the fish but I want more than one fish in my tank.
Thanks everybody,


first question? when you say cycled are you sure the water parameters are good?
To answer your question, sure a 55 gal will do fine for this dwarf lion, you can add other fish as long as they don't fit into the lions mouth.
Lions are not aggressive, however they will eat anything that moves and can fit into its mouth. Is this lionfish currently eating dead prepared marine foods or live feeders?
May I ask what kind of dwarf lion it is


New Member
I tested my water for ammonia-0, nitrites-0, and nitrates-10 and ph-8.2. He was eating both live and frozen, i've seen the fish eat both. I do not know what type of dwarf lion it is, it has great colors though, really bright.