lion shedding


Here is a pic of my lionfish shedding his skin. i asked all my LFS and they have never heard of it. Anyone else have any info on this?


Your LFS never heard of it? They don't know much then because this is normal for lions. You're ok as long as it doesn't happen very often.


Active Member
It is important to note that a thin membranous lining called a cuticle covers lionfish. Since lionfish are sedentary fish, the cuticle is used to protect the lionfish from settling organisms. In fact, lionfish will occasionally shed their cuticle to remove any unwanted hitchhikers. A shed cuticle looks like a large mass of whitish stringy mucus, and this shedding occurs when a lionfish just start flashing around the aquarium, trailing white stringy mucus behind it. Cuticle shedding is also a sign of improper health in lionfish, as stressed lionfish or lionfish kept in poor water quality will increase shedding behavior.


Active Member
The shedding seems to vary by individual in my experience, some will shed more often than others assuming your water quality is good, and they are getting a varied diet with appropriate portions.


Active Member
so that's what that is. my lion has done it once since I've had him, but it was done overnight so I didn't know it came from him


As all the other post had said, It is totally normal for lions to do that, they will do it every month or so, My concern is the fact that the LFS doesnt know about it!! that is a scary thought!! lol nothing at all to worry about