Lion sting?


has anyone ever been stung by the lion,just wondering how it effected you.
just curious cuz im getting a v lion.
thanks Logan


I've never been stung and I own 2 Volitans. However, the sting can range from feeling like a severe bee sting all the way to unconsciousness. Unless the person was allergic, there have been no deaths recorded due to lionfish stings. Even if you feel like you're dying! The treatment is to immerse the stung area in the hottest water you can tolerate for at least 20 minutes. Seeking medical attention would be prudent, but most likely not a requirement. Best practice would be to avoid getting stung in the first place. Respect the fish and its' environment and you'll be fine.


Active Member

Originally posted by snakeman50
srry i accidently pressed the subit thread to many times

You can use the 'edit' button beneath your post and delete the additional ones.
w/ regards to lion stings, your arm may be numb for a day or more, depending on where you are stung. You can seek medical attention, but they only thing they can do for you is a morphine drip or other fun pain-killers.


Active Member
another good way i hear if not the hot water, even a hair dryer. Just anything you can get imediatly with enough heat. It will morph the molecule of the venom so it cant react with anything in your body, therefore, makeing it all better. Kinda like a kiss on a bump when you were little...except this actualy helps to do more than make you feel better emotionaly.....and i dont think that made much sence.... hooray!!



Originally posted by snakeman50
thanks can i keep a pair in a 125gallon.
thanks Logan

Yes, you can:happy: