lion with anger management


i think my lion doesnt like my eel, whenever he gets close to the eel his fins turn all red and neon purple and starts jolting as if hes going to charge at him :mad: :mad:


Active Member
nice eel,nice lion,nice tank size! How long has the lion been doing this? Maybe the eel is in the lions territory?


well, i just got both of them yesterday, and they started yesterday, i dont know if the lion is actually going to attack the eel because the eel doesnt seem to care when he is swimming around and when he passes by the lion the lion gets scared and backs off and then he tries to be cool and slowly goes up to him as if he is going to attack.


but this lion, this crazy lion. he likes to try to poke the eel with his dorsal spikes :scared:
i dont think he poked hard enough though, guess hes gotta try to kill him later :jumping:
or wait, maybe its bad for the 25 dollar fish to kill the 70 dollar one