lion with cbs?


do u think i could keep a dwarf lion with a cbs(coral banded shrimp) which is about 2'5 to 3' inchs in a 55 the other mates are long tentical, perc, neon velvot,2 yellow tail, domino, 3 stripe and i can catch the dmasels to get them out, lawnmower blennie, live sand, 25 lbs liverock and wantin to make a reef


Even a dwarf lionfish will eat the shrimp eventually, and the perc and lawnmower blenny would probably be on the menu too (easy pickings!).
The damsels might or might not be eaten depending on what kind of dwarf, how big the damsels are, how fast they are, and if they have areas the lionfish can't get to. Even so, they could get stressed from being hunted.....
The three striped I can't remember how big they get, and I don't know what a neon velvot is, so I can't comment on them.