lion wont eat

my volitian lion has stopped eating. he didnt eat for about a week then he ate a quarter size peice of krill. now its going on two weeks. i tried silversides, live feeder gold fish, gold fish swim right by its mouth and it doesnt flinch. its is about 13'' long in a 120g all my other fish eat not sign of problems.


i would try some saltwater white shrimp. that should set off a feeding frenzy. i buy them in 500 hunderd count. i get them for all my new meat eaters and my wild sea horses. that get fish to feed until you can get thyem to eat other things.


Active Member
Originally Posted by nofishnplease
my volitian lion has stopped eating. he didnt eat for about a week then he ate a quarter size peice of krill. now its going on two weeks. i tried silversides, live feeder gold fish, gold fish swim right by its mouth and it doesnt flinch. its is about 13'' long in a 120g all my other fish eat not sign of problems.
Lots of questions, but, lets start with these: !.) How long have you had him? 2.) What has his regular diet been. Have goldfish been fed over a long period? IMO, they're good ,as a last resort, to get a non-eating lion feeding again. But, they are deadly long-term. (too fatty). 3.) Any changes in the lions color (they will sometimes darken when in serious trouble) or appearance? If a 13" lion is ignoring live goldfish, I doubt he's ready to eat anything. I've seen lions, on several occasions go on long hunger strikes; then snap out of it. But that's the positive spin. The more info you give us, the more help we can be.
i had him about 2yrs it was about 4-5'' when i got him. he normally eats chunks of frozen krill about 1-2 inches in diamenter. i have given him gold fish b4 only when he stopped eating the krill then i ween him back to the frozen but he never NOT went after a live goldfish b4 thats why i'm worried. he is deffently over a foot long. how long can they go without eating? he doesn't seem to be losing mass/size.


Your lion needed a variety of foods including vitamins........... It may be really tough to get this lion eating again, it can go weeks with No Food, keep trying to feed it, it may eat or it may never eat again, Time Will Tell.
Keep trying to feed it, try and try again, don't give up just yet......
Your lions diet should consist of Raw Shrimp, Squid, Octo, Scallops, Frozen Sand Eels and so on..... All foods should be soaked in vitamins.


Active Member
Originally Posted by nofishnplease
vitiams from the lfs? what kind?
I like Selcon; but there are several brands available. I completely agree with V-Lioness; variety of good foods and vitamin supplements are, IMO, THE key to long term survival of lions. In the wild, lions eat all sorts of whole inverts & small fish; the "guts" of these foods is lost when we feed frozen, so we need to replace the lost theory, anyhow. BTW, how are you handling the frozen krill? I'm just curious as to how the lion gets all the krill, once defrosted. Do the other fish get some, or is it still in one big chunk?
Its Still Frozen In Chuncks. He Still Hasent Ate Anything Not Even Live Feeder Fish. It Ate One Small Prece Of Krill In The Last 3 Weeks.