Lion won't eat



Hey gang,
I'm in need of some advice. Its been about 6 weeks since my lion ate anything.
Background: I first became concerned almost two months ago when I noticed he didn't seem to be as excited as he usually was at feeding time. After about a week, the white spots appeared (assumed ich) and also some holes in a couple of fins. He was removed from his tank and placed in a hospital tank. Medical treatment with copper and melafix was started. Since then the spots are gone and the fins are repaired. However, he has not eaten a thing this entire time.
He had been on cutup shrimp before he quit. Prior to accepting dead food, for the first couple of months I owned him, he had the typical live diet of ghost shrimp and feeder guppies/goldfish about every other day.
I have tried shrimp with garlic, ghost shrimp and even those damned guppies again. He lets the shrimp crawl over his head without a glance.
He doesn't act too differently than he did before his hunger strike. Still wags his tail when he sees me...although he does seem to just lounge in the HT.
Actually he kinda reminds me of an old arthritic dog....still loves you, would get up and play if he could, but the body isn't cooperating....
Any ideas? I have no idea how he's gone almost two months with no food......


I had a similar problem but not as long, mine would only eat rosies, but then i tried frozen siver sides, they are whole fish, i wiggle them at the water surface to get his attention and then drop them in and he chows on them, now he will even eat some krill, hope that helps


Originally Posted by kaliman33
I had a similar problem but not as long, mine would only eat rosies, but then i tried frozen siver sides, they are whole fish, i wiggle them at the water surface to get his attention and then drop them in and he chows on them, now he will even eat some krill, hope that helps
Tried that, no dice