

What is the best food for lions? I have tried everything...I have soaked it in garlic, put it on a feeding stick and shook it around to simulate it being alive. My lion just ignores my efforts. I bought some ghost shrimp, and he gobbled them up quickly. However i know i have to get him to eventually eat off the feeding stick. If i decide to give him more ghost shrimp in a couple of days , will that hurt him? Any suggestions would be very appreciated.


I fed my lion sally's krill and it might take a while to get him to eat any other food once you give him the ghost shrimp then give him one type of food and if he doesnt eat fine let him get hungry and hungrier and within a few days he should eat the food because hes hungry. good luck any 1 else got any ideas?


I agree, if he doesnt want to eat now he will eventually get hungry. My Lions were both from Pets Plus. They were just feeding them goldfish & guppys. It took like two weeks to ween them off that habit. I dont feed my lions but every 4 or 5 days either. So if he doesnt eat for a week dont stress to much. He will eat soon enough.


Active Member
They can go for at least 7-10 days without food with no ill effects.
If I went that long without eating my dog would start go look pretty delicious. He'll eat if he's hungry enough. Mine went through the same thing, and after a week he grabbed a chunk of frozen mysis out of my hand. Since then he's been fine.


When I did mine he would only eat live food. ie goldfish & guppys. I gave him a week to get good and hungry then feed him like 2 live fish. This got him excited then I gave him a piece of krill. He didnt even realize the difference and got used to eating whatever I gave him. I probibly did this 2 or 3 times before he didnt care anymore.
Im sure there are other ways but this worked on mine.