lionfish dangerous ?


New Member
does anyone know if being stung more than once by the venomous lionfishs can hurt you. the site says not responsible for injury or death. i want to buy three for my tank different ones maybe an eel too are they harmful. have nieces and nephews 5 and under:help:


I've never got stung, but i heard if you hold the wound under boiling water, it gets the venom out. It is said to be like a bee sting, but worse. As for eels, i know they bite, but i don't think they are poisinous.


Lionfish stings can be very painful, but most likely not fatal. Even to children. However, if allegic, the sting can be fatal. If you have concerns about children getting into the aquarium, I wouldn't get lionfish. At least make sure a child could not get their hand into the tank. I have 2 Volitans in a 150 gallon tank and to be honest, I think they're going to be kinda cramped when they get big. I hope you have at least a 200 gallon tank for 3 big lions. Even if you get 3 dwarfs, I'd recommend at least 100 gallons. Just my 2 cents:)


Active Member
Not boiling water, that would be a bigger problem :)
Just run it under the hottest water you can stand from the tap.
But if you are allergic to things like bee stings, I would reconsider.


Active Member

Originally posted by ophiura
Not boiling water, that would be a bigger problem :)
Just run it under the hottest water you can stand from the tap.
But if you are allergic to things like bee stings, I would reconsider.

Yup, I have been stung 3 times, and although it hurts, I ran my hand under very hot water and it eleviates the pain a lot. It's definitely not too bad if you are not allergic to bee stings.
Eels can be dangerous depending on what type you get (they are not poisonous however, they just have nasty teeth). Snowflakes are not usually harmful at all. When you start getting into some of the other moray eels though, they can get to be a little more dangerous. I know a guy who gave up his Marbled Moray Eel because when he was feeding him one time, the eel latched onto his hand and caused the guy to have to get 16 stitches. :eek: