lionfish emergency


i have a fuzzy dwarf lion that has grown very big since i got him a year and a half ago. i have never had a problem with him eating at all. he comes to the top to eat and he even eats from my hand. i feed him krill by the way. my problem is that about 4 days ago he stopped eating all of a sudden. he doesn't hide during the day like he usually does and seems to be breathing a bit on the heavy side i'd say, but i could be wrong. my water parameters are 8.3ph, and zero on nitrates, nitrites, and ammonia. i am getting worried for the guy. i've never had problems in my tank at all until last week when i added a powder brown tang which had a speck of what looks like ick because i didn't want to put it in my qt. there is something wrong with the water in the qt and i keep doing water changes, but it doesn't seem to help the qt. anyways, i started doing water changes more often than usually. maybe 3 or 4 since i've had the tang to get rid of the ick. i've even put 4 cleaner shrimp in the tank to help it. then my queen angel got a spot of what looks like a fungus which i'm treating the tank now with pimafix cause it's invert friendly. all my fish are doing great now, even the inverts. i have a seahorse in there that is thriving and never showed any weakness at all. seahorse came on a piece of live rock i got 3 months ago incase you are wondering why i have this fish in the tank.anyways i just wanted to explain what's been goin on with my tank so that you might have a better idea of how to get my lion eating again.


Active Member
my only solution to you is to get rid of the disease that is in the tank. I experienced the same problem 2 months ago with my fuzzy dwarf. My puffer got velvet from the tank move (75 to a 210) and though the fuzzy had no signs of velvet, he stopped eating entirely for a week and a half. One of my most aggressive eaters, the fuzzy, was no longer interested in food. I tried hand feeding him ghost shrimp and nothing. Well, I got a few neon gobies to help the puffer out from this fatal disease (after many tries with "reef safe medications") and within a few days, the puffer was totally cleared up and the fuzzy began eating like his normal self. Just get rid of the disease and I believe your fuzzy will begin eating again.


Active Member
I used Parasite Stop!, which has always gotten rid of ich for me, but this time, because I had a much worse disease in velvet, it did nothing.
I also used PimaFix and MelaFix and this did nothing either.
My fuzzy went a week and a half without eating. I was really worried about him but as soon as I got the gobies, the fuzzy began eating again because the gobies were conquering the velvet with absolutely no problem.