Lionfish feeding advice?


Active Member
Hello, I have a 3.5-4 inch lionfish and I have been feeding it a midsized ghost shimp every other day. My question is, is this fine? I am wondering if I should increase the is a video for you to check out if it helps (my fish eating a shrimp) I would appreciate any help. Thank you!


Active Member
Originally Posted by mkzimms
try silversides or chunks of clam.
Yeah, its not really a question of increasing; it really needs a whole new diet. FW shrimp are great to get a lion eating, but they should be weaned onto SW food ASAP. In addition to the above; raw shrimp, squid ( a favorite), scallops, flesh from SW fish (like flounder), freeze dried or frozen krill, etc., etc. I'd suggest a vitamin supplement (like Selcon) as well. I'm convinced that the key to long-term success with lions is diet variety & vitamins.


Active Member
Yeah, well I failed to mention that my ZEBRA lionfish is brand new, Tuesday, and I am feeding him ghosts until I can wean him onto prepared foods.


Active Member
Originally Posted by camfish
Yeah, well I failed to mention that my ZEBRA lionfish is brand new, Tuesday, and I am feeding him ghosts until I can wean him onto prepared foods.
Great, these guys can be tough to feed; he seems to be doing well.


Active Member
Honestly, I got it on tuesday and have only fed it once...but I will try about every type of food that they like...not all at once, though.


In my experience with my 2 lions, the longer your feed it ghost shrimp, the harder it'll be to switch to other more healthy foods. So try to give it some silversides, krill, raw shrimp as soon as possible. Don't get it used to the ghost shrimp as a regular food.


Active Member
Originally Posted by RCreations
In my experience with my 2 lions, the longer your feed it ghost shrimp, the harder it'll be to switch to other more healthy foods. So try to give it some silversides, krill, raw shrimp as soon as possible. Don't get it used to the ghost shrimp as a regular food.
thanks for the advice, I am going to walmart tomorrow, should I get some seafood to try out this week?


You can try some raw shrimp, wild caught not farm grown. But the best thing to start out with is frozen krill. That's the closest thing to ghost shrimp for the lions. You can find it in the freezer section of your LFS.


I fed my lion ghost shrimp only a few times. I moved right to the krill. It took a few tries. If he is not interested at first then wait until the next day. They are night feeders, so don't bother in the morning. My lion wanted nothing to do with a stick, but some like it. I had to play with the food and get it into the current. Just a few bits on how I got mine onto frozen. He eats anything frozen now.