Lionfish Feeding Question?


I am thinking of purchasing a Volitan Lionfish. I hear they love ghost shrimp. I was wondering how many I should give in one feeding session and how often. Hope somebody can help me with this!!:help:


Until fully grown (15")in about 18 months, and yes even in captivity they get that big that fast, you should give it 1 or 2 shrimp a day and slowly adding as it gets bigger. Its much easier though if you get it trained onto prepared food like frozen shrimp and silver sides. Thanksfully vols are one of the easier to train so that should not be an issue. Once full grown you can get away with a couple good sized chunks every other day.

big boy69

I just got a juvey from my LFS and he is only around 4 - 5" from nose to tail.
When i went to get him, they said he's been eating roseys.
I took him home and waited 2 days to feed him and he ate 1/2 of a silverslide from the poker stick. (the silverslides i have a huge)
The next day i gave him 2 krill twice that day.
Now i give him 2 krill every other day.
I may start feeding him 1 krill in the morning and 1 krill at night to see how that works. I don't want him getting huge overnight. As long as ther is a lil' swell in his belly he should be fine.
Mine also eats frozen brine shrimp when i feed my other fish.
I even believe i seen him eat blood worms while feeding the other fish.


Thats the way to do it BigBoy. You might try alternating the krill and silverside with thawed out frozen shrimp and squid from the grocery store. You want the bulge, just as they grow it takes more and more to create it heheh.


I got a 6-7 inch black vol the other day and he hasnt eaten a thing. I tried live minnows,live ghost shrimp,frozen krill,clam and silversides and he hasnt even attempted to eat anything.,He sits in the same spot of the tank all day long. Any ideas? Thanks


I dont see a problem yet. Lions are known to go on hunger strikes and can last a long time without food. Keep trying and he should come around.


Active Member
CDubbs, now that you have established that he is not eating, don't overfeed the tank b/c that will just cause the nitrates to rise. Try giving him ghost shrimp every two days until he comes around.
Meanwhile, test your specific gravity and niitrates just to make sure they are okay. If they are out of whack, most times lions will not eat.


Found dead this morning...if this store doesnt let me return it im gonna throw the dead fish in the owners face.