Lionfish Help Fast Please!!!


ok just bought a black finned lionfish from a shady fish store here in and they said they were feeding him goldfish. So i get him home and for the past two days he was breathing heavily. So from experience from my last dead lionfish, i assumed those idiots had overfed him and there was impaction. So i did a freshwater dip and now he seems really stressed, lying on the sand. WHAT CAN I do ?????


forget to mention that the tank is 120 gallons and the water parameters are where they need to be


Active Member
Please post real numbers for your water parameters. Saying they're where they need to be doesn't say anything. Is the fish breathing heavily now? Does the belly look distended (full/round)?
Have you tried to feed the fish anything at all since you've had it. The dip likely stressed the fish, although sometimes a FW dip can help with an impaction. You might be dealing with something else. What else is in the tank, and how big is the lion?
At this point, keep lights off to reduce stress. Make sure the lion is not being bothered by anything else. Try a large water change using aged/aerated saltwater. Post back with any changes. THe fish may need some recovery time from the stress of the move and the dip. Other problems may crop up however.


Active Member
We definitely need your current water parameters to first know that that is not the issue, here.
How did you acclimate this fish?
What kind of freshwater dip did you give it and for how long? Was the dip in tap water? Was the water's pH buffered?