Lionfish help!!!!!!


Are you talking about the grey, brillo-pad like rock?
If it's what I'm thinking of, it's VERY light, to the point that I slowly began to fill the tank and when about 2/3 full noticed the stones were shifting!
How could I have misjudged so horribly that a collapse was immenent?
I didn't......whent he rock began to float UPWARDS toward the glass lid is when I really pannicked!!!!!:D
MY final solution was to get some auger bits, drill lerge holes in the rock and fill them with concrete to hold it down!!!!
I'm still wondering if you took a piece of that rock out on your boat, would it satisfy the Coast Guard's requirements for a flotation device?:hilarious
OK...point made...there are SOME problems with being inventive!!:rolleyes:


Active Member
Wow, I just read this thread, and people need to relax out there. Not that I want to single people out, but those of you who dont have full-time jobs yet probably shouldnt be going postal on eachother about OPINIONS. Key word here. You know, America the beautiful, and all that?


Who went postal?
What did I miss?
The nature of opinions is that they are often strongly felt about, with the trick being to be able to differentiate between a strong opinion and anger, and sometimes even the anger dissipates if given a chance and a valid counterpoint.
If you just shrug and walk away, nothing ever comes of it, good or bad.
The grey stone I used is the same thing they make bricks out of to clean grills, and almost appears to have tiny glass crystals in it (which, by the way, are a bear to get out if you get a sliver, much like some sea urchin spines.)


Active Member
Congore, I was reffering to the two others on this thread that dont seem to be replying anymore. From the way I read it, they seemed pretty upset.:notsure:


Active Member

Originally posted by Chandler04
Ok, well, if you can get a predator to eat processed food, then that is fine by me.

You can get a predator to eat frozen food too. :yes: And in the wild, do predators eat dead food they find floating around? Not usually. They kill their own food to eat. :yes:


You're correct in getting predators to eat frozen (hopefully thawed....see "ice cream headaches" **grin**) food as well as formlulas and cubes, as once they recognize YOU as the food source they will often snap ay anything you drop in front of them UNLESS you drop something they really don't like too often.
Generalizations can get you into trouble too though, ViPeR_930, as "predators" is a pretty big word that covers a lot of territory. Some predators will eat ONLY food they've killed themselves, but many to most are actually combination hunter/scavengers, which is the reason you can catch grouper and snappers with cut bait as well as live shrimp and fish while out on cpmmercial fishing boats.
Surprisingly, many of the predators that INSIST on live food only are the mini-predators like mandarins, some seahorses and pipefish, etc.


Active Member
once they recognize YOU as the food source they will often snap ay anything you drop in front of them
Definitely, I've had dwarf lions eat (and then spit out) medicine tablets, and just today while moving my tanks three hours to a new home my eel put an Oxygenex tablet in his mouth and decided it wasn't too tasty, same with an air stone when I was reacclimating.
Oh yeah, never feed your eel before moving him, I know they regurgitate food when stressed, but forgot and fed all my eels a day ago. When I got to my new place, their transport containers where full of partially-digested krill, shrimp, and cubes...tasty.


:happyfish Gassguzler and moray m, I was just upset that chandler 04 called me stupid, and said I was giving bad advice, and that I shouldn't go around givin advice. That's just something we don't do here, calling one another names and stuff. So I replied back. He appoligized on another forum so we're good. He just got carried away. These forums are all about getting different opinions and thats great! I love! -ali