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I have had a lionfish with a huma and a niger for about nine months. I was reading some of the previous messages about how this will not work. About how big can the triggers get before I have to worry? Does the size of my lion dictate what they might do?
It can work, much depends on the individual fish. The fins of the lion can be very tempting to a trigger. IMO, it isn't a matter of size; I once had a 2" Huma terrorize a tank of fairly aggressive fish ( all much bigger than he was) as soon as he was introduced. Many triggers can play nice, sometimes for years; then, overnight, go postal and attack everything. I'd worry more about the Huma than the Niger; but you never know. You seem to be ok on feeding after 9 months; but it is often difficult to get enough food to the lion when you have very active triggers that will usually eat the same thing. For now, IMO if it ain't broke, don't fix it...but be vigilant! BTW, how big is your tank? IME, the bigger the tank, the better the results with this combo of fish.