lionfish, looks like has road rash


Active Member
My baby, my v-vlion looks like he has road rash in a few places, not ich by any means or anything like that....looks like scales almost are rubb'd off...think he got in a fight with a rock or something?
thanks guys


Active Member
red blotchy patches?? I would treat him with melafix for a few days see if that helps clear that up.before treatment make sure your water is in good ranges for PH nitrates amonias and such.but still do the melafix once you have you parimeters in order to help heal your lion


Active Member
there white, and it looks like road rash, i think he ran into a rock....
i have a thing in the sick forum
check out the pix


Active Member
it could be body fungus id still try the melafix.but if this was caused by scraping of the rocks the melafix will help it this the only place these spots are noticed?


I've had my Juvy Volitan in my fully cured/cycled 29g. for almost two weeks now. Within two days of being in the tank he scratched the S*it out of his left side on my vast LR. It's common IME for newbies to think that fish *Scratches* from Rock in general are ICK.
A pic would make a world of difference!!!!


Active Member
my guess would be HLLE(head and lateral line erosion). Often dur to mal nutrition or poor water conditions.


Active Member
this picture was taken with an EXTREMELY bright flash, so the " rash " looks really bright white when its really just a faded red...anyways ...its getting better im thinking he had a fight with a rock. but what do you guys think?

duke jjz

Originally Posted by fishieness
my guess would be HLLE(head and lateral line erosion). Often dur to mal nutrition or poor water conditions.
I agree. My V Lion also started to get HLLE. I added a grounding probe to the tank and it went away in about 2 days..


Active Member
well my guess is its not ich but I have high doubts its HLLE notice the spots are not on the lateral line of the fish. lateral line erosion will accually follow in a line along the fishes body its very noticable and very prominent line from head to tail of the fish. .in some cases this has been known to just go way on its own.with proper nutrition.below I have posted 2 pics of HLLE notice the first is an accual line the 2nd being HLLE2 erosion of the fishes body tissue ( a pitted apeerance)and a defined amount of color loss in both fishes.comparing your lion to these 2 examples I think we can almost rule HLLE out at this point and time.oh yeh and I have taken a very close look at your lion it is no means mal nutritioned nice and fat fish.


Active Member
yeah, i dont think its HLLE ...i honestly think he just got alittle to fresh with my rocks....because he eats fine, and is acting normal...well for the most part..hes he just sits there unless hes
so sick or not there still lazy
but i think he"ll end up being ok...but key word is HOPE! :)
Thanks for all the help guys...
i've been reading about making your own live rocks out of cement...whats your guys's views on this?....i've been reading some REALLY cool stuff and these people get it to work...takes a couple months of curing....and another 5 to get stuff to grow on it...but you only end up paying about .10 cents a pound for live rock...and it LOOKS you can make your own it could be fun to do with the kids and stuff....
what do you guys think of that idea?


Active Member
well I have seen that rock stuff being posted all over the place but by the time you have it made up cured with life you might have saved a few bucks but how much is your time worth.JMO to make your own for personal use prollly wouldnt be that bad but if you get into making it and selling it youll end up charging what it cost to by cure LR for all your efforts put forth.oh yeh and back to your lion I still suggest treating him with melafix just to help heal his wounds and prevent bacterial infection it realy does long as hes not in a ref tank you can treat your entire tank just remove carbons if you use them for the time of treatment .