Lionfish scrape.


New Member
I have a question and I'm panicking. I have my Lionfish, and I guess I spooked her, and she darted behind a rock. I looked down and seen her on her side with a bit of sand on her face. And I immediately pulled the rock up to release her and she was free. She swam fine but went to another corner and put her nose in it. Scared me to death!!!! After a while she went to the surface and hung upside down by the skimmer like always. And she's swimming okay. Do you think she hurt anything?I don't see any injuries. Expect a very small scape on her tail



Well-Known Member
Your probably fine. They do spook easily tho. Aslong as she's eating and the scrape doesn't get infected your fine


Well-Known Member
I'd keep an eye on her for a possible bacterial infection at the wound site. Otherwise make sure your water quality is good, her stress level is low, and feed her high quality food. If her immune system is strong she should be fine.