lionfish shedding?


My volitan lion just seemed to shed its skin... Is that normal?
I feed it silversides soaked in vitamins and garlic every 2-3 days. He loves them... He's healthy so far...
Anyone ever been stung by one of these? What does it feel like?


Active Member
similar to bee stings, but a little worse. If you're not allergic, then it just get's red and hurts (maybe a little swelling around the sting itself, not much though). If you are allergic, then it depends on the severity of the reaction - could be as simple as some medicine, could require medical attention.


ive heard of this 'shedding' before. i forget where i think sumone was talking to the guy at teh lfs about it and i overherd. its just a coat of slime that they shed sumtimes. i forget wat the cause was. it mite be stress but it also mite be just a normal lionfish thing. dont really know sorry


HAd mine for a couple of years. Never seen him shed his skin.
But I wasstung. It is worse than a bee sting, and there is swelling. I am not allergic, and I was stung the day I got him in the lfs. Instead of the bag the guy dropped him on my hand (I was holding the bag). I got stung in the finger. The swelling went away less than an hour later, but I freaked out.